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Route information

The architectural beauties around this route leave the visitor speechless to describe the majesty and expectation of these places. A route that runs through Villaescusa de Haro, Belmonte, Mota del Cuervo and La Mancha Húmeda, highlighting great works by masters of the ironwork, sculpture and architecture, as reflected in the Chapel of the Assumption of the parish church of San Pedro or the Convent of the Dominicans, in Villaescusa de Haro.

At about 7 kilometers from this place, the fortress-palace of Belmonte stands, one of the most beautiful and best preserved castles in Spain. And we can not fail to mention the popular architecture of Manchegan farming presided over by Belmonte, the Biosphere Reserve of La Mancha Húmeda or the best preserved windmill in the country in Mota del Cuervo.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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