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Quixotic landscape of seven large cylindrical moles, which can be visited and in which grinding demonstrations are still being carried out. Located in the place called "La Sierra". symbol of a past agricultural production structure and motive that made it acquire this municipality in 1967, the geoturistic denomination of "La Mancha", for the vast and extensive horizon that is contemplated from them.

Mota del Cuervo was crowned by a group of 23 mills, of which only seven remain today. Of the peculiar identity they represent and the importance of their construction gives the fact that they all have a name. The industrial structure is a cylindrical shape of whitewashed masonry and small windows in order to test the winds to guide the mechanism. The wooden deck, where the blades are housed and is mobile to take advantage of the wind. Of the group that remains "El Zurdo" is the most important, because it is the best restored, and also owes its name to that its blades turn upside down. They accompany other six that close the set: The Joaquín Piqueras, The Cervantes, The Franz Grillparcer, The Goethe, The France and Iraq. Every Saturday that time permits, grinding is celebrated and the mills beat the La Mancha air to the delight of locals and foreigners alike.

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