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Route information

This route will take us into the Neolithic and the Bronze Age through the breathtaking cave paintings of Villar del Humo, which are declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and will be our first stop.

Continuing our route we will arrive first at the town of Villar del Humo, settled in an irregular mountainous terrain, which makes it attractive along with its mountain buildings settled on several levels. Later we will arrive at Carboneras de Guadazaón, where we will receive the Pantheon of the first Marqueses de Moya. Continuing the route we will reach Pajaroncillo and Las Corbeteras, a curious landscape eroded by the water located in the vicinity of the town.

Following the road we will arrive to Cañete, a historical-artistic site, home of Álvaro de Luna, which will be worth visiting. Continuing we will find Boniches and Moya, seat of the homonymous Marquesado that at present is uninhabited. Landete, Talayuelas and Tejeda Monastery (in the term of Garaballa) ultimately await us, and can not miss a route that will make an impression on the traveler.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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