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Ruta "Huellas de Millones de Años"

Route information

Wonders and surprises of nature formed by the passage of millions of years await the traveler who sets out on the adventure of making this route. In it you will have the opportunity to see impressive natural monuments such as the Torcas or the Lagoons of Cañada del Hoyo.

You can not leave without visiting the town of Cañada del Hoyo, where you will discover some heritage attractions. This town, which is named after its cattle link and the valley where it is located, is home to the parish church of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, the castle-fortress and the hermitage of the Virgen de los Ángeles, framed in a beautiful spot about 5 kilometers from the town.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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Links of interest

Intervenciones Plamit:


Cañada del Hoyo