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Ruta "El espectáculo de la naturaleza"

Route information

The river Escabas welcomes us and becomes a companion and guide at the beginning of this route in which the Serranía de Cuenca will give us beautiful landscapes. In its journey the traveler will find in the vicinity of Cañamares, at the beginning of the route, wicker seas that will give way, as we enter the Serrania, to wonders traced by nature, helped in some cases by the hand of man.

It will be worth visiting enclaves and landscapes such as the Hoz de Beteta, Puente de Vadillos and the nearby spa of Solán de Cabras, Beteta, El Tobar with its lagoon and the towns of Masegosa, Lagunaseca, Santa María del Val and Poyatos.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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Links of interest

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