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Route information

Between the Sierra de Bascuñana and Las Majadas is the region of Campichuelo, through which runs this route, which crosses municipalities such as La Frontera, Portilla, Mariana, Arcos de la Sierra, Castillejo de la Sierra, Villalba de la Sierra, Zarzuela, Fresneda, Ribatajada, Ribatajadilla, Pajares, Ribagorda, Villaseca, Torrecilla, Sotos and Collados.

Along this route you can admire a landscape dominated by a wide variety of plant species, birds and small mammals. The Strait of Arches, the Ventano del Diablo, the Tajo sickle, various rocks and meadows complete the natural gems offered by this route.

For lovers of Romanesque, in this area dominate the constructions of this architectural style, such as the Church of San Pedro in Mariana; Our Lady of the Assumption in Torrecilla; the Hermitage of the Virgen de la Horcajada in Ribagorda; the Parish Church of San Andrés Apóstol en la Frontera; or the Church of the Nativity of Villalba de la Sierra, among others. It also highlights the popular architecture, made with materials such as plaster, stone, adobe, oak and Arab tiles; and the caves and warehouses, which were used as storerooms. Throughout the region the traveler can visit artisan workshops where wicker objects are produced.

Towns and places of interest in this route

Photo gallery

Links of interest

Intervenciones Plamit:

Arcos de la Sierra:

Villalba de la Sierra:
