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Route information

Cuenca has the privilege of having two of the most important dinosaur deposits in the European paleontological landscape: Las Hoyas and Lo Hueco. In addition to allowing the visitor to make a journey through the history of ecosystems with dinosaurs from the Iberian Peninsula, these sites will offer the possibility of moving through some of the most characteristic environments of the natural landscape of the province. The route of the dinosaurs is formed by a set of museographic endowments distributed throughout the territory that allow all types of public to understand an important part of the paleontological context of the peninsula.

The Las Hoyas deposit (La Cierva, Cuenca) is consecrated as an international reference on the Lower Cretaceous. Lo Hueco, in Fuentes, has provided a large collection of fish, turtles, lizards, crocodiles and dinosaurs from about 75 million years ago, during the Upper Cretaceous. The most characteristic fossils are the partially articulated skeletons of large sauropods.

Towns and places of interest in this route

Photo gallery

Links of interest

Ruta de los dinosaurios:

Intervenciones Plamit:

Cañada del Hoyo: