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Ruta "Cuña de Rocas y Ríos"

Route information

Starting from Cuenca, the city built between rocks, sickles and rivers, and taking the landscape road CM-2105, the traveler soon enters the Natural Park of the Serrania de Cuenca, more than 73,000 hectares of natural wonders among which runs entirely this route. Undoubtedly one of the environmental gems of Cuenca and Castilla-La Mancha, full of vegetation, water, rocks and fauna, unavoidable destination for anyone who wants to enjoy nature tourism.

Through this route the traveler will have the opportunity to visit such impressive places as the Ventano del Diablo, the Ciudad Encantada, the Laguna de Uña, the La Toba Reservoir, the Cuervo River Nativity or the Hosquillo Park; and the mountain populations of Villalba de la Sierra, Uña, Huélamo, Tragacete and Las Majadas.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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