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Route information

Between the Alcarria and the Serranía conquense opens before the eyes of the traveler a reddish landscape dominated by the wicker with green tones typical of the olive. Valdeolivas, linked to the cultivation and harvest of the Verdeja olive, and Priego, the cradle of wicker and handicrafts, are the main focal points of this route. 72 km from the capital of Cuenca, the majesty of the Pantocrator that presides from the apse the parish church of the Asunción de Valdeolivas feeds the soul of the traveler who arrives there.

Priego, on the other hand, stands out for the spectacular location that stretches out in the Priego Strait and constructions such as the Palace of the Counts of Priego from the 16th century. On the way from one place to another, the visitor can discover Cuenca's beauty where craftsmanship and curious constructions such as the cave-cellars or the "chozos" of Villaconejos de Trabaque predominate.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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Intervenciones Plamit:


Albalate de las Nogueras