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Route information

A journey that begins and ends in nature, revealing spectacular constructions and monuments of our historical-artistic heritage. The journey of the traveler starts at the Hoces del Cabriel, a place that astonishes for its beauty and environmental value and that only in its part of Cuenca constitutes a natural reserve of more than 1600 hectares. And it ends with a landscape full of waterfalls and rafts like "La Chorreras", in the municipality of Enguídanos.

Along the road that joins these two natural heritage, the visitor walks through enclaves such as Minglanilla and the first castle of new plant built in Spain in the 21st century; Iniesta and its historic Ermita de la Concepción; Villanueva de la Jara and its Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption; Motilla del Palancar; Campillo de Altobuey; and Paracuello de La Vega and its fortress of Muslim origin.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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