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Route information

This route exposes before us the places that make up the territory where the Order of Santiago was based, founded in the eleventh century, whose purpose was to push back the Muslims in the peninsula and keep the unstable borders of the Reconquest. After a long conflict, Uclés is, since 1230, the seat of the Order. An incredible adventure for lovers of architecture and nature. The order was present in most of the military actions of the Reconquista and its possessions extended through the provinces of Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Toledo, Guadalajara, Madrid, Jaén and Murcia.

Going through the history of the Order we arrive at places as surprising as the lagoon of El Hito, wetland and natural paradise; Almonacid del Marquesado, where the parish church of Santiago stands; Puebla de Almenara, dominated by its castle; Villamayor de Santiago, where the traces of the Order can be seen in the architecture and customs; Horcajo de Santiago; Segóbriga and its spectacular Roman archaeological park; and Uclés and its majestic monastery. The route culminates in the towns of Tarancón and Belinchón.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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