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Ruta "Viaje a la Alcarria y el Mar de Castilla"

Route information

At the heart of this route stands Huete, where history and art merge into marvelous constructions in which each civilization has left its legacy until it forms a unique complex full of convents, churches, palaces and hermitages. Thus, the interior of the Monastery of Our Lady of La Merced drinks from different eras and styles and, as a result, houses three museums dedicated to Sacred Art, Contemporary Art and Ethnography.

The tourist can continue visiting the Plaza Mayor de Buendía, magnificent example of the renaissance in the province. And, passing through places like Villalba del Rey or Cañaveruelas, you will end up discovering the ancient Celtiberian, Roman and Visigoth city of Ercávica. Even today you can breathe the grandeur of its Forum and its hot springs, with a preserved underground sauna of a beautiful factory.

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Towns and places of interest in this route

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