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As so often happens in Cuenca, history and nature become one to delight the traveler's senses. The city was noted in his works by Livio or Ptolemy, then he was the head of a bishopric and retains many areas visited. Today, you can breathe in the grandeur of its Forum, a monumental complex that constitutes the center of the city and is articulated by a cryptographic splendor: an underground gallery of two heights to save the ground. All & iacute; is the remains of the basilica of three ships. To the south of the Forum there is a group of houses that conserve mural paintings and among which the Casa del MÃ © dico stands out, as well as nominated because during her excavation she was found sanitary tooling. It is organized around the atrium with an implivum (rectangular pond) supported by four columns. Very curious are also its hot springs because they house several swimming pools and a very well preserved underground sauna with a vaulted and well executed style. The nearby oven maintains the original tiles. Its wall is one of the few late republican examples (1st century BC) that remain of the Roman defensive architecture of Hispania, while in the area called Vallejo del Obispo a Spanish-Visigothic monastery has been excavated, being the only Mozarabic site Arabian Cuenca More recent are the spectacular views of the missing spa of La Isabela, emerged from the reservoir. It was ordered to be built by Fernando VII and in the course of the action of the television series & lsquo; The memory of water & rsquo; and the homonymous novel.

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