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The Hosquillo Cinegical Park covers an area of ??910 hectares in the Serranía de Cuenca. It is surrounded by high and inaccessible crags that descend on steep slopes to the narrow valley that opens the crystalline waters of the river Escabas.

In all this land you can see different species, both animals and plants, an authentic museum of flora and fauna in the open air. Roe deer, deer, goats, wild boar, wolves, bears and raptors in the animal plane, as well as as hazel, pine, yew, holly and box, among others, in the vegetable.

In addition, just because of the extraordinary views we can enjoy, it is worth making this visit. So important is the richness of this place that the mythical physicist Rodríguez de la Fuente dedicated it to El Hosquillo, the first documentary about fauna of Spain in his series "Man and the Earth".

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