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Located in the northern part of the geography of Cuenca, in the middle of the Serrania, the birth of the Cuervo River is one of the most visited enclaves of the province. Few places seem to challenge more to the natural architecture than this, where, whatever the season of the year, the visitor's eyes can be surprised by what they see.

The place is one of the highest in the province, since the river is born in the molar of San Felipe hill, where the highest rainfall in Cuenca is recorded.

The internal waters and springs sprout to the outside forming impressive cascades, covered with moss, which facilitates the formation of tufa, thus configuring a spectacular and almost paradisiacal fluvial landscape that seems to have been created to illustrate stories and fantastic tales.

Especially striking is the observation of Nativity in the winter, since the low temperatures cause long stalactites to form, fusing with a white snowy mantle, forming a visually unmatched ensemble.

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