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The Ciudad Encantada is one of the most well-known destinations of Cuenca, a miracle sculpted thanks to the erosion of millions of years.

The traveler will see Melanic and sinuous forms in the calcic rock, which evoke recognizable silhouettes of animals, people and objects. It is a very visited, singular and picturesque place that has been the scene of great audiovisual productions at an international level.

Its emblem and more known form is the Tormo Alto, where the legend that Viriato, the Hispanic leader, was incinerated. The sea of ??stone, the ships, the Roman bridge, the face of man or the convent are other names of exceptional forms that the visitor will enjoy. going through the recommended itinerary for the visit.

A place wrapped in a halo of fantasy that should not miss everything here that wants to know the Serrania.

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Links of interest

Ciudad encantada, web oficial